Bye, Bye Kitty. This is not good news for the public and certainly not good news for the organisers and the cast/crew of "Hello Kitty Adventure Land". The much anticipated show is just 48 hours away but it's out of the hands of the organiser, GoodMiles. Apparently, the whole crew of "Hello Kitty Adventure Land" are already in Brunei Darussalam and they are all set and ready to prepare for the 3-day weekend show. However, the missing ingredient - the costumes and props - are being held in Singapore because the forwarding company (in Singapore) has been frozen by the court in Singapore. So one of the 300 vessels that are being detained has a container that handles the costumes and props for the broadway show. This is such a devastating news for the organiser GoodMiles and they have done so much work in order to make the event possible and successful. TC Chun, the mastermind behind the show, expressed his disappointment during the press conference. The stage director of the show also shared the same sentiment but a positive note, he thanked the organisers for taking good care of them while being in the Sultanate. He was pretty surprised that the show had to be cancelled and in his 25 years of musical show, this is the first time that happened. He was impressed with TC Chun's commitment who was willing to charter a flight for the costumes/props. However, the items in the vessel cannot be released until a green light has been given by the Singapore Court. On behalf of TC Chun, he would like to express his deepest apologies to the public who have purchased the tickets and he guaranteed that all ticket holders will have their monies refunded accordingly. According to his statement, the losses the company made is enough to buy three houses. He has put a lot of energy and hardship in this said project.
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