Earlier this morning, I posted a comment in our FB page that I came across a gift which I gave my wife 13 years ago while doing my Sunday house chores. Well, here comes the same old saying, time really flies, as me and my wife had just celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary last month.
Do you agree that we tend to do things that we don't normally do when we are in love and of course I am of no exception as I am a human being too. Here the story goes... About 13 years ago, when I was back in Brunei after my graduation while my wife (girl friend then) was still in Australia doing her final year in Music, I used to spend almost half of my salary on overseas telephone calls every month which lasted for about 8 months. There was no such things as Skype or Facetime during then hence telephone was probably the only easiest way for voice conversation.
Today when I was cleaning the study room, I found the cassette tape that I gave to her about 13 years ago. The tape contained some of my favorite love songs then and it was sent all the way from Brunei to Perth as a gift. I have tried to play the tape on my mini hi-fi, sadly the sound quality was quite bad. Guess what, I even wrote a love story by connecting the titles of all the songs recorded in the cassette. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find the 'letter' anywhere or else I would have shown it to my kids or even post it here :)

The tape with some wonderful notes written

The song titles and their respective singers